About Us

Come in, have a look around and get to know us a little bit more. Here you’ll find out about our vision, our team, and how you can get in touch.

We are a Baptist church in the heart of Te Awakairangi Lower Hutt, New Zealand.

We are seeking to be people:

…guided by the Holy Spirit to be empowered and
released in action
to bring God’s light, truth, love and hope to our communities.

…transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be
rich in love
and intentional in unity.

…who are
strong in faith
by growing deeper in God’s word.




Our Team

We have an amazing pastoral team that leads us, challenges us, and supports us in a range of different ways. 

Rob Petrini

Rob has been the senior pastor at Hutt City Baptist Church since 2016. He has lead the Church through many changes and continues to challenge and grow the people in faith. He supports Liverpool football club, loves pasta and all things Italian (including hugs). 

Andy Bank

Andy runs our Youth ministry. After growing up in Hutt City Baptist Church, we were lucky to get him back after he spent several years running the youth ministry at another local church.


Lisa is our church administrator extraordinaire. She is the first person you will see or talk to when you visit or contact the church office. Lisa also helps out with our Children’s Ministry on a Sunday morning. She is married to Grant and has two awesome children.


We have many opportunities for you to give to the church. Whether it’s time, skills, food for the foodbasket, or financially, our ministry work is dependent on it.

If you are in need of support, or would like to give financially or get a giving number, please email our administrator

Get in touch

We’d love to hear from you and get your feedback. Check out our presence on different social media and catch up on past services. If you’d like to get in touch with us, our contact information is below. 


132 – 146 High St Lower Hutt

Office Hours:
Tuesday – Friday
9:00am – 4:00pm

Phone: 04 566 0467
Email: zn.gr1729633548o.tsi1729633548tpabt1729633548tuh@n1729633548imda1729633548